UPDATE 3/1/2023
We are Happy to Announce that we have Secured a New Manufacturer for our Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber Parts. We had a LOT of orders (50+) in our backlog with the previous manufacturer. We moved almost all of our Fiberglass production to the new one in January and it took them about 4 weeks to build and ship all of them (Roughly 40 orders). They are focusing on the last 11 back orders which are Carbon fiber Parts and are making good progress. With the backlog out of the way, they can focus on building orders as they arrive.
Below is the list of Parts that the New Manufacturer is building and the current lead times.
4th Gen Fiberglass Sail Panels: Ships in 1-2 Weeks
4th Gen IROC-Z Aggressive Spoiler FIBERGLASS: Ships in 1-2 Weeks
Trans-Am Gen 4 1993-2002 Rear Valance with FIBERGLASS Diffusers: Ships in 1-2 Weeks
4th Gen Bowtie SLP Style Grille: Currently 4 in Stock, ships in 1-2 Days
4th Gen SS SLP Style Grille: Currently 4 in Stock, ships in 1-2 Days
4th Gen Carbon Fiber Sail Panel: Ships in 2-3 Months (possibly less)
2016-2021 Camaro IROC-Z ZR1 Hood – FIBERGLASS: Ships in 2-4 Weeks
93-02 Camaro “Freedom Design” ZR28 Style Spoiler: Ships in 1-2 Weeks
UPDATE 10/18/2022
Here are the current Lead Times for some of our more Popular Parts.
MAGG/IROC Fiberglass Parts : 6 Months.
MAGG/IROC Carbon Fiber Parts : 16 Months.
CME Valance: 2-4 weeks.
Plastic/ABS Parts (splitters, wicker bills, etc.): 1-2 weeks.
CME Tips: 3-5 business days.
SEATS: 3-5 Business Days
Most other parts are shipped out in the timeframe listed on the product page, but we cannot guarantee those times as they change day to day.
I spoke with our Fiberglass / Carbon Fiber Manufacturer. He let me know they are moving back to CA from TX to address a couple issues.
1) Workforce. They are already lining up qualified employees to be able to handle the large backlog and workload from the last 2 years.
2) Material Costs. Raw Materials are more readily available in CA which cuts down on shipping costs.
3) Carbon Fiber. They will be able to ramp up their Carbon Fiber production again once the move is completed.
They expect the move to take 4 weeks to complete which will add to the lead times.
UPDATE 04/29/2021
I had a meeting with the Manufacturer and this is the current Status. Currently, in house (MAGG and IROC brand) Fiberglass parts have a current lead time of 4-5 Months and Carbon Fiber parts are currently 8-10 Months. They let me know the reason for the delay is workforce. They have been desperately trying to hire workers for the last 5 months and cannot compete with the Covid Stimulus. Nobody wants to work when they can stay home and get “free” money!!!
Due to the Long lead times, I have made the decision to mark all MAGG/IROC Fiberglass & Carbon Fiber parts temporarily out of stock. This is not permanent. We have a lot of open orders and cannot handle all the “where’s my part” emails at the moment. Plus, it’s not fair to you for us to hold your money that long. We also want to ease some of the manufacturer’s burden of their backlog and not add to it. We are hoping they are able to catchup in the near future.
If you have an open order, the manufacturer is shipping them in the order they were received.
All other parts are available and are marked with the ship times listed on the Product Page.
Reason for the Delay:
Our manufacturer moved from CA to TX. The Move took 2 months (October 20-Dec 14) so they have a huge backlog of orders to fill which put them behind schedule.
Shipping Delays affect the following parts:
Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber 4th-6th gen Camaro Hoods, Spoilers, grilles, TA Diffusers, and Roofs that are branded by MAGG Performance or IROC Motorsports.
UPDATE 01/25/2021
I was able to have a meeting with manufacturing on Friday. They let me know that, unfortunately, they are behind schedule getting parts out. They are still working through their backlog of orders from October. They did have a contracted team come in for 2 weeks only and get about 25 of my orders out in December. We currently do not have ETA’s on any open orders. Orders will be completed and shipped in the order received. Most of the September orders have shipped and they are working on October orders now. They are actively looking to hire more people but are having a difficult time right now finding workers.
We will be updating our current Ship Times to 16 weeks for All Fiberglass parts. Please expect a 3-6 month wait for Carbon Fiber.
First of all, Thank you for your business. I apologize for the added delay to your order. If you have an open order and do not want to wait and would like a refund. Please CONTACT US and provide your order # and I will get the refund issued within 24 hours. If you don’t mind waiting, then please know that your order is in the queue and will be completed as soon as possible.
We Apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused.
My Account manager at manufacturing sent the following photos last week showing the new facility in TX. It is definitely a lot larger than their old location. They are looking to hire more people than they had in CA to enable them to produce parts faster. This should bring lead times down considerably.

UPDATE 12/14/2020
Today, our manufacturer is bringing in a large contracting crew to help with the backlog of orders that accumulated during this moving/transition period from CA to TX. Their goal is to get 75% of the backlog done and shipped this month. That is a huge percentage of our back orders. Once the backlog is complete, they are going to work on lowering lead times down to 10 days which would be amazing. If you have an open order, I’ll keep you up to date as I get ETA’s from them. Thanks.
Update 11/30/2020
Ship times for our Fiberglass parts have been extended to 8-10 weeks. Carbon Fiber Parts are now extended 12-14 weeks. This includes all of our 4th-6th gen Camaro Hoods, Spoilers, Diffusers, grilles, and Roofs that are branded by MAGG Performance or IROC Motorsports.
The temporary extension is due to our Manufacturer relocating from CA to TX. They needed a larger facility and CA was unwilling to assist so, like many other companies, they made the quick decision to move to Texas. What was supposed to be a 2 week move has now turned into a 6+ week move. During this time, production has been down. They have the majority of the company relocated and are looking to start production the week after Thanksgiving.
Once production starts, the lead times will be reevaluated and adjusted accordingly.